Sept. 11, 2023

A pre-dawn awakening, a walk in the woods, a jump in the lake. Fog. An apple sauce factory closed up shop for another year. Freezer filled. The cottage has more concerns. A workshop is scheduled for September 23, and 24 here in Stockholm. A music gig at Larry's Corner on the Sept. 23 as well. I would like to do more international work via Zoom. Why? I will choose my words carefully. IT'S A SHITLOAD OF FUN. I will be working at The Royal Swedish Ballet School as usual. Due to budgetary concerns, my hours have been cut. The request was that I work at half my rate so the students can work with me as much as in previous years. In general, why has this gig worker's wage gone way down while things get more expensive and salaried people get raises? Any other gig workers in the house? Has word gotten out that I love my work and can be had for two bits on the dollar? Let me know if you want to work. Living room concerts and performances are readily available. Highten parties and rituals to the max.
April 10, 2023

Damn. It's been a while. But who reads this anyway? A liberating thought. The worst part is that by the time I take the time to update, I forget how it's done. This has eaten up a chunk of time. I am counting on "perseverance furthers". Anyhooo: The workshop just keeps on astounding me. Most recently at Kungliga Ballet Akadamien, The Royal Swedish Ballett School) working with 17-18-year-olds. I am presenting a foreign concept. IMPERFECTION. Through the cracks, the spirit enters. And it's happening. Mercy, what fun, when people get over themselves and start playing. I'm putting one together April 29 and 30. I have a film acting gig in May. Wild characters, and great directors. I will say no more or I'll get sued. I'm writing a lot. Daily, a few hours. I have a multitude of one-man shows, never performed, ready enter the collective stretch of the imagination. I could use a producer. There's a gold mine yet to be brought to market. Looking for Gigs for my Band. Additionally. I am amazed at the beauty of my neighborhood. Time to wake up my son. My smoothie skills have taken a jump. (freeze the fresh fruit fo a couple of hours, but hell, who reads this anyway.) UNGAWAH.

Aug. 11, 2022
Worked with the Good Talents in Fittja. Always fascinating to work with the teens there. Gig at Vinterviken was full of magic moments. Nice crowd. Workshops in Stockholm and Malmö coming up. I have a busy September and hope to squeeze a workshop in Sept 16 and 17. A weekend intensive. If you are not on the email list send me one stephenrap@gmail. com. I am designing workshops in the woods. I walk in them a lot. It's where I prefer to be. I would like to use the shape of things there as inspiration. I will be working with the Circus School at Uniarts in Autumn. I am developing material with an actor in Austin Texas over zoom which has been extremely rich and a joy to boot.
UPDATE May 28. 2022

Long time since an update. I'm bad at it. I am not a fan of screen time. But I am a fan of interest fans. Or interested non fans. Or even letting haters know what I am up to. I have been writing my ass off and hanging with my tree friends. Performed a brand-spankin' new one-person show A PLAY ON WORDS, at TeaterTribunalen. Damn, that was fun. I think I have 4 or 5 monodramas in the cartridge. Had a gig just last night with Amanda H. Bang. Music at Fullerstgård. Fantastic sound. Nice room. Loved it. I'll be back. Rockin' workshop with Dans Alliansen in March. A workshop at Mosaic Teater, actors with Downs Syndrom. Shiiiit. What a blast of love and affection and appreciation and sincerity. LOVE IT. And a workshop at Kungliga Ballet Skola... 7 weeks with 17-year-olds.. MORE. Did a workshop with my friends at The Good Talents in Fitja. INTERNATIONAL meetings. So great cracking this up with these people. My heart swells as I write and remember. I am so freekin' fortunate to be able to be invited to get to know people in this way. I have another workshop at Good Talents coming up in June. I need to put more gigs of all kinds together. Tomorrow maybe. Music, Workshops, Theater. Maybe Gotland this summer. Yea.

Aug. 11, 2022
Worked with the Good Talents in Fittja. Always fascinating to work with the teens there. Gig at Vinterviken was full of magic moments. Nice crowd. Workshops in Stockholm and Malmö coming up. I have a busy September and hope to squeeze a workshop in Sept 16 and 17. A weekend intensive. If you are not on the email list send me one stephenrap@gmail. com. I am designing workshops in the woods. I walk in them a lot. It's where I prefer to be. I would like to use the shape of things there as inspiration. I will be working with the Circus School at Uniarts in Autumn. I am developing material with an actor in Austin Texas over zoom which has been extremely rich and a joy to boot.
UPDATE May 28. 2022

Long time since an update. I'm bad at it. I am not a fan of screen time. But I am a fan of interest fans. Or interested non fans. Or even letting haters know what I am up to. I have been writing my ass off and hanging with my tree friends. Performed a brand-spankin' new one-person show A PLAY ON WORDS, at TeaterTribunalen. Damn, that was fun. I think I have 4 or 5 monodramas in the cartridge. Had a gig just last night with Amanda H. Bang. Music at Fullerstgård. Fantastic sound. Nice room. Loved it. I'll be back. Rockin' workshop with Dans Alliansen in March. A workshop at Mosaic Teater, actors with Downs Syndrom. Shiiiit. What a blast of love and affection and appreciation and sincerity. LOVE IT. And a workshop at Kungliga Ballet Skola... 7 weeks with 17-year-olds.. MORE. Did a workshop with my friends at The Good Talents in Fitja. INTERNATIONAL meetings. So great cracking this up with these people. My heart swells as I write and remember. I am so freekin' fortunate to be able to be invited to get to know people in this way. I have another workshop at Good Talents coming up in June. I need to put more gigs of all kinds together. Tomorrow maybe. Music, Workshops, Theater. Maybe Gotland this summer. Yea.

UPDATE Jan, 2, 2022
More than great workshop with professional dancers in Göteborg, primarily from the Opera ballet company. FRUITFUL it was. As was the workshop with Hyper Island. Also, a blast working a few hours with Söder Latin gymnasium theater students. More work with such hungry, enthusiastic teens please. Yes... in fact, I will be working with weekly with the elder gymnasium students at The Swedish Royal Ballet School for several weeks in the Springtime. I had a great solo gig at Larry's Corner. Got a lot out in that hour and a half flurry of spoken words and song. I am conjuring lots of fascinating, rewarding, fun work with all sorts of folks as we speak here in the beginning of 2022.

UPDATE NOV, 2, 2021
I haven't updated for so long I forgot how. Lots of Zoom workshops, some TV gigs, Bäckström, and Love and Anarchy, ...workshops with Hyper Island, lots more to come with them, still loving the workshops, Writing A LOT. Fantastic experience directing an outdoor Circus production in a Swedish Ghetto, Rinkeby. "GÅRDEN". So exuberantly received by the locals. Great to hang out and pal around with the kids there. A breakthrough adventure was writing and performing a new one-man show: AGGREGATE OF A NON-SEQUENTIAL EPIC ETC. My sixth but with a 20 interval from the last one. It worked. I like it. I want to perform it plenty of times. I think I wrote enough for 10 different shows. Next week a workshop with The Good Talents in Fittja, Course for Change in Vaddö Folkhögskola, and the staff at Hyper Island. Cowabunga. I need to get on it with booking gigs of all kinds. I need a producer. Anyone out there? There's a gold mine in here.

Update Aug. 2020
Pandemic introduction to Zoom while working with the Royal Ballett Skola Stockholm. It worked and I developed it through a series of free workshops with past participants from all over the world. I have done many now with an overwhelming response. I LOVE IT. Make contact with interest. I can set up workshops to fit various needs. Right now my Zoom workshop is in-depth intensive six-session workshops, 90 minutes each. Max 6 people. Make contact with interest
Also have been working on a couple of TV/Film projects directed by Patrik Eklund. A couple pandemic safe concerts.

Update Jan. 2020
Several great INTUITION IN ACTION workshops with the Kaos Pilot in Aarhus Denmark since the last update. A couple of weekly workshops in the Autumn proved wonderful also. An 8-week workshop begins Jan. 30 (full). A weekend workshop in Malmö (Feb. 8, 9)and Stockholm (Feb. 15, 16) Copenhagen in March. Concert performance at Larry's Corner April Fools day, no joke. Lots of painting and writing going on. You can see those on Facebook. Let me know if you'd like to participate in a workshop.

Update Sept. 2019
Painting, writing, diving in, walking in the woods. cold water swimming, Wow. And how. Lots of gigs in the near future. Thurs. night workshops...great group. Process and Product-oriented. Music gig with Amanda on Sept 29 in Stockholm, Oct.16 Skellefteå, Nov. 30 Larry's Corner, Workshop with Väterbotten Teater via Bob Lundén. And I will perform the MOCA monodrama directed by Hope A. Willis in Skellefteå. Workshops with Kaos Pilots, Riks Teater, Good Talents. Acting gigs with SVT series WE GOT THIS and a film NELLY RAPP
New weekly Intuition in Action forming beginning Oct. 28

Update May, 2019
Busy winter and spring. Lots of workshops, developing scripts one on one, a couple music gigs of late. An Intuition in Action workshop is scheduled for June 1 and 2 . Click here for FB event. Painting and writing. Lots of short stories and monologues coming out of it. Songs too. I resist taking the dive as usual but do it anyway. Paintings and writing and be seen on my FB page.

Update October 18
Premier Shop Eat Die Nov. 9 directed by Jimmy Meurling. An Performance/Art Installation experience underneath Färsta Mall. Sixty hours of filmed monologues chronicling the last ten days of a psychopaths life. Lots of INTUITION IN ACTION workshops keeping ALIVE! Very exciting stimulating expansive. One in Barcelona with Kaos Pilots. DOCH is having me teach for them in January. Gotta get a gig with the band happening. I am ready to tear it up at some unknown venue. I'll work on that tomorrow.
Update June 20
Dear dear... I haven't update for almost forever ago. How lame of me. Been blessed with a load great work, lots of workshops... just keeps getting better and better. Next one July 25, 26, 27. Try to squeeze in another in Stockholm sometime in Aug. There's one for Byteater, Kalmar Aug. 27, 28. The beginning of Sept, workshop in Vilnius during a festival where Angela Wand will perform the piece we created Wounded Animals. That should be a blast. I will be teaching a class at International Theater School Stockholm autumn term. There will be workshops in the fall. If you are interested...
The picture to the left is taken after a workshop with Swedish Institute's YLVP program. Phenomenal.

Update Nov. 27, 2107
På andra sidan Swede Hollow a piece I directed for performer, singer, writer Malin Foxdal had a sold out standing ovation laddened run at Dalateatern. Been workshopping with GOOD TALENTS, FANTASTIC STUDIOS, CANDY CRUSH, as well as several standard 14 hour intensive INTUITION IN ACTION WORKSHOPS... in Järna, Alby, Stockholm. Currently working on a production with 3rd year students at Kristofferskolan Bromma. I have workshops scheduled for 11,12,13 DEC. See FB for info. And there is a workshop scheduled for the 16 and 17 DEC. in Luleå. January workshop with Dansaliensen. I will begin directing Ostrateater new piece in Jan. also. Music gig at Larrys Corner Saturday DEC. 2, 7:30 pm

Update June 4, 2017
Special Summer Workshops Luleå, Malmö
Dates and Times: Luleå: June 26, 27 9 to 17, Malmö: July, 9, 10 9 to 16:30
Prices and payment plans are discussed during an obligatory telephone interview. Contact
Workshop Stockholm week 37
Stephen will be offering a special 8 session workshop geared toward actors preparing to audition for Teaterhögskolan. One on one monologue work is included last two days of the workshop. Read about the workshop here.
Update Aug 23, 2017
In September....Stephen will be leading a workshop for The Swedish Institutes Young Connectors of the Future. A group of approx. 30 activists and innovators from all over South Asia.
INTUITION IN ACTION workshops will take place Week 37 Alby and in Järna, Sept. 16 and 17.
Concert/Performance with Amanda Hofman-Bang

Update May 18, 2017
Great to meet and work courageous and generous activists from Algeria,
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine and Yemen as part of the Swedish Institutes Young Leaders Visitors Program. What a great way see what's going on in the world. Talk of a workshop in Palestine. The Gig with Amanda at Larry's Corner a few weeks ago was a blast. We performed several new songs. Been painting and writing daily. Heaven on earth. Finding time to make something with your shit on a daily basis.... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... break the time barrier, visit the other side (another dimension) allow material to present itself... As Red Venus says.... A success a day keeps suicide away. (And just doing it is a success). Summer up North, gigs down South (MOCA) July 8, 9. Workshop down there too. A workshop in Luleå is also taking shape.... probably mid July.

Update Feb. 7, 2017
Workshop at Subtopia 8, 9, 10 feb. I will be doing a workshop for SVT, a show called VUXEN LIV, with Tove Helgesson... they will shoot Tove taking the workshop. That should be wild. I have been painting and writing and dancing every morning for three hours or so. What a respite from strategising, organising, and sterilising. Oh ...I will be creating a city wide performance piece with a dozen or so students from Kunstakademie Münster made especially for the upcoming major international art event... Sculpture Projects Münster 2017. PLUS I will be taking part in Utbudsdagen Västerås, Saturday Feb. 11. AND... A workshop is forming that will take place in remote Italy, May 17-21. More specifics later. Email with interest.

UPDATE Nov. 2, 2016
Just back from Pumpenhaus in Munster Germany. Two crazy great performance the THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING and a concert accompanied by Amanda Hofman-Bang. Great place, Great people, Gorgeous stage. Have had sever workshops since last Update. Dans Alliansen, Swedish Institute/Hyper Island, Kultur i Väst and a few I put together here in Stockholm. Did a few workshops in Germany while I was there also. All the workshops are just getting more and more stimulating, rewarding and fun if that is even possible. A week long workshop begins Nov. 7 at Improvisationstudion, and one at Teater Tre on Nov. 4. AND, The work I co- created and directed WOUNDED ANIMALS, with Angel Wand, premiered at Subtopia last night. STANDING OVATION!!!!! She nailed it.

UPDATE Aug. 11
INTUITION IN ACTION workshops coming up. Aug. 22 to 25, 9am to 12 noon. DansAlliansen workshop Aug. 29 to Sept. 2 , 12 noon to 3pm. SI workshop on Sept 8. More workshops forthcomming. If you are interested make contact ... Wounded Animals/Angela Wand is up and running in Edinburgh.

There is an INTUITION IN ACTION workshop beginning tomorrow May 24 thru 27 that I am looking forward to. I had an UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL solo gig last Friday night. Never done one like it. It was a blast. More of that in the States this summer. In August I will be going to Edinburg with the solo show I directed and created with Angela Wand... WOUNDED ANIMALS. Hope to get that show off and flying. There will be a workshop for teachers at ABF in early June. And with Dance Alliansen in late August. And a workshop with the Swedish Institute in September. More workshops forthcomming. If you are interested make contact ...

Improvistationsstudion Skånegatan 63-65 Stockholm
Date/Time... April 4 thru 8, 9am to 12 noon
Send me an email if you are interested or have questions.
Workshops are in Swedish and English

Wounded Animals and Alla Hästar Hemma 3/25/16
I co-created and directed Angela Wands WOUNDED ANIMALS which premiered at Subcase
On March 11, 2016. It was a screaming success and is said to be the hit of the entire showcase. Wolfgang Hoffaman will be presenting the piece at the Edinbourg Fringe in August. Angela and I had a blast pulling this one off. Its a powerful, emotional, hilarious piece of Scene Art.
And Last Monday, March 21, under my direction Östra Teater premierd ALLA HÄSTAR HEMMA by Gunilla Boethius. The work was greatly appreciated and there is great promise that it will have a long touring schedule. The goal of this piece is specifially to get people with various disfunctions into the work force. A joy working with the actors Maria Lindström, Joakim Sikberg, and Petter Billengren.

Update Jan. 31, 2016
The mini Rappaport Festival in Munster Germany went beyond expectations. Many thanks to Ludger Schnieder and Johannes Fundermann for having me at their visionary Theater im Pumpenhaus. I did a solo gig (MOCA/UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL, the piece I directed with Johan Wellton, ON THE LOOSE and THE STEPHEN RAPPAPORT BAND had a great gig as a closer. I also let two workshops while I was there. Led a great INTUITION IN ACTION workshop for DansAlliansen. And I am currently directing WOUNDED ANIMALS, the Angela Wand show premier Feb. 25. I will begin directing Alla Hästar Hemma on Feb. 8 for Ostra Teater. To maintain sanity, I'll be setting up something on some stage on short notice soon... probably a solo gig with music and monologues.

Satans Demokrati Nov. 15, 2015
A massive installation/performance directed by Py Huss Wallen and Jimmy Meurling. My part Pontius Pilate/The Minister one of the leading rolls I share with Angela Wand (The Devil) and Melize Karlge (Margarita/Master and Jesus). This is an enormous endeavor incorporating a mass of makers. Hundreds. I was hesitant to take the job and I am so glad I did. Great to work with so many committed artists. Premier was a couple days ago. The audience was... well... they seemed to be way more than pleased. Performs Wed thru Sunday. Last night New Years Eve. Dec. 31, 2015. Last I heard the entire run is sold out. Where there is a will, there is a way.

After Poland I had a great solo gig in Hamra Gotland at the Krog, a yearly tradition that just gets better and better. Ran a five day intensive workshop at Improv. Studion Skåneg. 63. Had a great solo gig in a old school house near Uppsala... what an ambience... Did some teaching at Actor Studio Stockholm... super.... Had a enchanting time with Amanda Hofman-Bang at a gig in Vintervikens Trädgård... the yearly candle festival. Nice to play for several hundred attendive individiuals beneath the stars and lit by hundreds of candles. Literally just came back from viewing BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS... a short film playing on SVT 2. Totally forgot to go to the Premier of MODUS an upcomming TV drama. They say it was good. I like my part in it. A Southern homophobic hate preacher/killer. Nice. I will try to keep more up to date.... until then...

The Stephen Rappaport Band
with Johan Carlberg, Niklas Gabrielsson and Ulf Morfar Engstrom
will be performing in Poland:
19.07 – Olsztyn, time 9pm, amphitheatre /outdoor/
25.07 – Orla, time 8pm, synagogue /indoor/
26.07 – Legionowo, time 6pm /indoor/

Intuition in Action Workshop
INTUITION IN ACTION workshop. will take place at
Improvistationsstudion Skånegatan 63-65 Stockholm
Date/Time... June 8 and 9 we work 9am to 1pm
June 10 we work 12pm to 4pm
Link to facebook event
Send me an email if you are interested or have questions.
Workshops are in Swedish and English

Performance / Workshop
Such a blast doing these workshop. I thank my lucky stars. Last week Super workshop with students from Actors Studio Stockholm. And if you see this (said students) save the great material you generated so we can keep working it for the next run.
FULL. The INTUITION IN ACTION workshop May 4 thru 8 is full. Those interested in a workshop before the summer let me know.
APRIL 24, I will be performing award winning MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART (a monodrama in one act) and trying out some new songs (in another act). Should be a great spring Friday night... with refreshments event

The Stephen Rappaport Band
The Stephen Rappaport band will be performing in Germany May 21, 22, 24
Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Munster in that order. I have links for the Dortmund. Seems like Dusseldorf is a private arrangement.

May 16, Stephen will be performing award winning MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART (a monodrama in one act) and trying out some new songs (in another act). Should be a great spring Saturday night... with refreshments event
"...exquisitely revelatory... a blisteringly funny, hypnotically wild wrestle with the male ego." Robert Hurwitt, San Francisco Examiner
" of the most exhilarating artists I've encountered...erotic... fresh...alive.“
Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight, Vancouver

Stephen Rappaport helped develop and directed Johan Wellton’s latest major work GLITCH.
Mar 18 19:00 - 21:00
Mar 21 18:00 - 20:00
Mar 28 18:00 - 20:00
Address Albyvägen 38 Norsborg TICKETS TRAILER
“An experience I do not want to be without. Do not miss it, whatever you do.”
- Västerbottens-kuriren
“...totally sensational and mind blowing.... If you wish to see something you have never seen before, this is your chance. I have never seen anything like it” - Expressen

Thanks to...
...Nasteho Osman , Meta Tunel, Umeå Teaterförening and the brilliant participants, for a great INTUITION IN ACTION workshop in Umeå Nov. 22 and 23.
Two INTUITION IN ACTION workshops are now in the works. Both in Stockholm.
Dec. 8, 9 and 10 (full)
Jan. 7, 8 and 9 (almost full)

The Stephen Rappaport Band
with Johan Carlberg, Jocke Backman and
Niklas Gabriellson will be performing in Fredrikstad, Norway
Feb. 5, 2015
produced by Studium Actoris.